By James Gaulding | 2022-09-04
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On 09/03/2022 07:40 pm by Maria Cruz McQuade| South China, Maine
I believe I captured this image of zodiacal light from my deck on the evening of September 3rd, 2022 sometime after sunset. I only knew about zodiacal light from being a regular reader of EarthSky News and had never seen it before, but was very excited when I spotted it from inside the house and I grabbed my camera and ran outside to shoot some pictures of it. Coincidentally, the next morning you published an article about zodiacal light along with photographs.
Canon 90D camera with Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 IS USM lens at f/5, 1/800 sec, ISO at 6400, and a 70mm focal length.
Slight increase in contrast and clarity.