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Community photo entitled  by Peter Lowenstein on 08/23/2022 at Mutare, Zimbabwe

On 08/23/2022 06:04 pm by Peter Lowenstein| Mutare, Zimbabwe

Mercury and Zavijava in Late Volcanic Sunset.
Mercury has been appearing higher in the late volcanic sunset sky each evening as it increases distance from the Sun. During the month of August it has moved through the Leo constellation and on Tuesday 23rd was photographed near the lowest star of the Virgo constellation – Zavijava. It will reach maximum elongation on the 27th before being approached by the thin waxing crescent Moon setting on the 29th (details at https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/visible-planets-tonight-mars-jupiter-venus-saturn-mercury/).

Tripod-mounted Panasonic lumix DMC-ZS40 in sunset and manual exposure modes.

Compilation of composite image with minimal application of Star Spikes Pro filter to make Mercury and Zavijava more clearly visible,