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Community photo entitled  by MILANKUMAR SONERI on 05/09/2022 at Village : Ambaliyara, District : Arvalli, State : Gujarat, Country : India

On 05/09/2022 03:00 am by MILANKUMAR SONERI| Village : Ambaliyara, District : Arvalli, State : Gujarat, Country : India

The current image is of our own Galaxy Milkyway. It is the core region of the Milkyway Galaxy. Milkyway is one of the favourite part of many amateur astronomers and amateur astrophotographers since its beginning and so is mine too. When I was first saw Milkyway cloud naked eye from my village last year, I was amazed with its beauty. And since then I always try to carry my tripod and smartphone at night when I am at my village. Hence this year too I got chance to capture the Milkyway Image. All of a sudden I woke up at 2 am on the morning of 09th May. As soon as I recalled about the sky I quickly ran upstairs and checked whether the sky is clear or not ? I quickly took some trial shots and what I found was clear skies. Although highway lights were still there but it didn't mattered much. I did the settings of Manual mode in phone's camera and started taking shots. Later next day I processed all of them and found this result.

Captured using Smartphone : POCO x3

• Version : Stacked.
• Software used for stacking : Sequator.
• Processed using : Lightroom (Android version).
• Bortle Class : 3/4 skies. (Light polluted due to highway).
• Total raw frames stacked : 50.
• Exif for every frame :

• Shutter speed : 25".
• ISO : 3200.
• Aperture : f/1.89 .