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Community photo entitled  by David Hoskin on 06/18/2022 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

On 06/18/2022 09:30 am by David Hoskin| Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

This hydrogen alpha image shows the area around sunspots AR3032 and AR3030 near the northwest limb of the Sun. The central umbra of the sunspots appear white in this inverted image. The large filament near the center of the image spans nearly a quarter of the Sun's diameter! Dark areas of plage and several nice prominences are also visible.

Lunt 40mm solar telescope, ZWO ASI290MM camera with GSO 2.5X Barlow, SkyWatcher EQ6R mount.

The best 120 frames of video stacked were with AutoStakkert, IMPPG was used for sharpening and levels, addition of false color and other post-processing was with Photoshop and PhotoScape X.