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Community photo entitled  by Scott Gomon on 05/26/2022 at Alden, MN   USA

On 05/26/2022 04:10 am by Scott Gomon| Alden, MN USA

This image was taken at the edge of a farm field in far southern Minnesota, USA. I was facing west and there was some light ground fog which is visible in the distance.
The sky was very clear and wind was calm, a beautiful night for astrophotography! I finally found a location that blocked some of the earth glow and the multiple farmstead lights. The leaves on the trees had just come out to give them less of a stickly look and helped to frame the Milky Way between them.

I photographed this image of the Milky Way using a Nikon D610 with a Rokinon 14mm ll lens wide open at f2.8. The ISO was set to 6400 and exposure was 20 seconds (300 Rule). I use a Nikon ML-L3 remote release with mirror up, followed by the actual exposure for vibration free images on a SLIK 500 HD tripod.
High ISO and Long Exposure Noise Reduction are both turned on, not sure if I'm going to get into the image stacking process yet or not.
The white balance was set to 4000 k to avoid the auto white balance "tan tone", although that can be corrected in photoshop.

I did some minor enhancement of the image in Photoshop Elements 2022 including some sharpening and lightening. Most of what I do in Photoshop is simply "tweaking" to try and bring out a little more of what is already there.