By Marcelo Barbosa | 2022-05-15

On 05/15/2022 09:52 pm by Craig Hazelton| Boulder, CO USA
Heard about the eclipse and did a pre-hike to find a spot and realized I wanted to capture an artistic shot with a model.
Got a model at the last minute and Hiked all the gear in two trips up to red rocks above Boulder. Took several captures for both the moon and the model, one 50' cell phone drop, one lens drop with lots of damage.
Saw the ISS pass over, and just bathed in the eclipse for about a half hour. Both the model and her sister had never seen a lunar eclipse.
So glad we did this!
Mirrorless 50mm, Tube Tribe light tube, Godox Strobe for model
Mirrorless 400mm, ioptron tracker for moon
Ligthtroom and Photoshop Composite of two images model and moon