By DC Anderson | 2022-04-30
On 04/30/2022 05:30 am by Mike Shaw| Arches National PArk, Utah, USA
Serendipity knocks - I was aware of today's Jupiter/Venus planetary conjunction, but thought I would miss it owing to the massive rock arch block my morning view to the east. I had just finished an all-night imaging session in Arches National Park, and was packing up and preparing to hike back to my car, when suddenly I spotted the brilliant pair gleaming through the North Window arch! I hastily dropped everything and set up my camera to capture this lovely view. I was delighted to even see Ganymede, Io and Callisto twinkling in the dawn twilight. Serendipity knocks again!
Nikon D850 - astromodified by Spencer's Camera
Gitzo tripod & Really Right Stuff ballhead
Sigma 135 mm f/1.8 lens
Single exposure - 1.6 sec at f/2.8, ISO 100
Edited in Adobe Lightroom (cropped, basic exposure, color correction) & Photoshop (selective color adjustment)