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Community photo entitled  by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D on 03/11/2022 at Caballo Lake State Park, New Mexico

On 03/11/2022 10:03 pm by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D| Caballo Lake State Park, New Mexico

My fascination and passion to capture the beauty of the deep dark sky drives me crazy.

In reality I cannot sleep during night time now. When my husband and me went down South of USA I consumed all my nights to capture the tremendous undescribable beauty I found in the deep dark sky. Shall I say, from sunset to sunrise…I was awake!

Now, we are back in the place of winter wonderland. So spent my time now for editing all the photos that I captured during our trip.

This is Thor’s Helmet or NGC2359 my ever first capture of this amazingly so pretty nebula. When I was young and was in the countryside of the Philippines, me and my cousins usually played the Jesus image look alike. We created a wreths out from the Bougainvillea plant, then we put it on top of our heads. So, when I saw this nebula, it reminds me of my simple life back then with all my cousins who just enjoyed what natures offered to us. We did not watch TV, we did not have ipad, but we had the vast playground … the mountains, and we had zero pollution night sky to fantastically gaze the stars and shooting stars.

For me, Thor’s Helmet was my young enjoyable life in simple unpolluted environment!

Telescope: Celestron Nexstar Evolution 9.25 235mm f/10 Schmidth Cassegrain Telescope

Mount: Sky Watcher EQ-6R PRO Computerized Equatorial Mount - S30300

Camera: ZWO - ASI2600MCPRO

Starizona Hyperstar 4 HS4-C925

ZWO AsiAir Pro Wifi Camera Controller

ZWO Standard Electronic Automatic Focuser EAF-5V

Optolong L-Pro 2” Multiband Pass Filter

Dew Heater Astrozap

Celestron Dew Shield

ZWO 30F4 Miniscope

ZWO Asi 462MC Planetary Camera

Samsung Cellular Phone

Sandisk usb drive 512gb

3 TB external Drive

All the images were download to Bridge, Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, Stars were removed in Pixinsight, final process in Photoshop.