By Lorraine Boyd | 2022-04-05

On 04/02/2022 by Steve Price| The Last Chance Desert, Utah USA
While running three 35mm DSLR and mirrorless cameras on tripods, I put my cell on an octopus legged tiny tripod on a tree stump to join the club.
A never would have believed a cell phone camera could get anywhere near this good. But there it is. Green airglow captured, Milky Way galactic core, dust lanes, the pipestem and smoke, nebulae. The hot blue star belts above the galactic plane, basically, The works! is still a teeny tiny camera and some nifty software making it happen ..I'm still impressed.
The exposure is 4:01 minutes long to capture the image, then compressed into a one second video and a single image is the end result.
Google Pixel 4 XL cell phone, Joby tripod
Color contrast enhancement.