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Community photo entitled  by Prabhakaran Andiappan on 04/02/2022 at Jebel Jais, UAE

On 04/02/2022 08:40 am by Prabhakaran Andiappan| Jebel Jais, UAE

Capturing the thin crescent moon in the daytime is a difficult task, with practice and the right equipment one can capture it clearly, this image of the Ramdan Crescent Moon was captured from Jebel Jais, UAE which is 1500 meters above sea level, at this altitude the sky conditions are far better than the places at sea level, combining an Infrared filter with a Monochrome camera I was able to capture the sliver of the moon in the daytime just above the easter horizon.

1.1% illuminated
I used the setup show in the 2nd picture to capture it
Esprit 80mm APO - ZWO IR850nm - ZWO 294MM Pro

Live stacking using sharpcap: 100 frames @ 2.7ms
stretched it in CCDStack