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Community photo entitled  by Radu Anghel on 02/25/2022 at Romania

On 02/25/2022 06:00 am by Radu Anghel| Romania

Morning planets.
Venus, the Morning Star, very bright (mag -4.6) and easy to spot, 75 million km away.
Under Venus, a tiny dot: Mars, the red planet. Here at mag +1.3 and more then 300 million km away. Mars will be best seen in December, when it will be at mag -1.9 and "only" 80 million km away from Earth.
Just above the forest you can see in the crop picture another tiny dot - little Mercury. At mag 0 and 164 million km is was to low on horizon to be visible with the naked eye, but easy to spot with camera or binoculars.

Canon 6D + 28-70mm f/2.8