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Community photo entitled  by Radu Anghel on 01/31/2022 at Bacau, Romania

On 01/31/2022 03:30 pm by Radu Anghel| Bacau, Romania

Bored with to many homework, my daughter ask me to set the scope to take a look at the Sun - "I wonder what the yesterday sunspots are up to today?"
So... I put the solar filter and I let her to play. One shot trough a thin layer of clouds, couple mouse-clicks in Registax and... voila: big 2936 in the middle, the remains of 2938 nearby, 2934 at 5 o'clock, 2935 at 3 o'clock and the new 2939 at 10 o'clock and 2940 at 11 o'clock. Looks like we will have something nice to see on the sun in the next few days as well!

4" refractor, solar filter, Canon 6D, ISO 100, 1/2500s

Registax, crop.