By Diana Frederick | 2021-11-18

On 11/19/2021 03:03 am by Sergio Garcia Rill| George Observatory, Houston, TX, USA
This image represents the night of the lunar eclipse on November 19th 2021 as seen from the George Observatory at Brazos Bend State Park near Houston Texas, I took photos from the beginning thru end of the eclipse and merged them to represent the whole phases of the eclipse as the shadow of the earth slowly covered the moon until it was almost (97%) covered, and then as tit moved out of the shadow and returned to normal before sunrise.
Nikon Z6 with Sigma 150-600mm with a 1.4x teleconverter for the moon phases, Nikon 14-24mm used for the foreground shot
Shot multiple high detail images of the moon with the telephoto lens and merged them through photoshop into a foreground taken on the same location in the approximate position they would be overnight. For the totality images 9 individual images were taken at high ISO and stacked to reduce noise and increase detail