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Community photo entitled  by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D on 08/31/2021 at Becida, MN, USA

On 08/31/2021 04:11 am by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D| Becida, MN, USA

This is my third attempt of capturing this Andromeda Galaxy only using my canon camera, canon lens, and regular Manfrotto Tripod. I Had been photographing night scape with our galaxy the "milky way" but I have the desire to go more deeper and explore the deep dark sky. The haze in the sky is so terrible because climate change really affected us so much and triggers lots of wildfires in USA, Canada and some other countries. The seeing is so poor however wind turns in different way so sometime there is a clear sky like when I photograph this Andromeda Galaxy.

I was born in the hinterland of the Philippines and farmers daughter so I need to walk 7 kilometers to reach the school, to do that my mother usually woke me up at 2 o'clock in the morning so we can go to the 1.5 kilometers water spring to take bath. Then when I walked my way to the spring I gazed up the stars within 2 minutes and talked to them and thanking God for the wonderful day he gave. I did not know about galaxy, what I knew there is Moon, stars and meteors. They all lighted my way to the spring and back to our house. Then I ate my breakfast and started my walk to the 7 kilometers school. The school ends at 4:30PM then I needed to walk 7 kilometer to home again. I usually reached our house with all the stars already lighted in the sky. So I have deep relations to them knowing that in my very young years they were my companions and lights. Whatever I reached now they are part of it and I will continue to study to learn and capture their beauty.

Canon EOS 5DS, Canon Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3, Manfrotto Tripod, Canon EF 50mm f/1.2L USM Lens, red beam Headlight

200 lights, 50 darks, 50 biases, 100 flats, stacked in deep sky stacker, result edited in photoshop 2021