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Community photo entitled  by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D on 08/30/2021 at Becida, MN, USA

On 08/30/2021 10:31 pm by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D| Becida, MN, USA

I thought I cannot do this image knowing that I only use my Canon 5DS camera, 50mm lens, and a remote control. My husband bought me a nexstar evolution 9.25 telescope but the additional gear have not yet arrive. Then 2 nights in a row that we have this clear dark sky and I cannot forgive myself if I will not capture an image of the night sky. I did some research on how to find this Andromeda Galaxy and I did it. EXPOTHEOPRAC, Exposure, theory, practice. Even with all the odds. All I can say is there is difference between knowing the path and walking the path. I exposed, I learned, and I practice and I made it. This is my second image of this Andromeda Galaxy.

Canon 5DS, EF50mm f/1.2L USM, Canon Remote Control, Tipod

I captured 15 frames of lights, 15 frames of darks, 15 frames of flats, and 15 frames of biases, I stacked all those in deep sky stacker, and I processed the image in photoshop 2021. I cropped the image and this is the result.