By Garth Battista | 2021-08-11
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On 08/12/2021 03:44 am by Theofilus Pramono| Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Second dawn hunting for Perseid meteors and luckily got a combo - a green Perseid meteor (bottom right), a satellite (middle), and Andromeda Galaxy (upper left) in one frame! It was pretty hard for me to capture even a single meteor as my camera's field of view is quite narrow. Even worse, I was watching under a heavily light-polluted sky. Nevertheless, I feel super lucky to capture such a stunning image! This year is my first time watching the Perseids and it does live up to its fame.
Canon EOS 550D, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens at f/2.8, 6s exposure, ISO 800, single frame.
Edited using Photoshop and Lightroom, image is cropped.