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Community photo entitled  by Fredric Walder on 06/10/2021 at 38,000 feet above Ontario, Canada

On 06/10/2021 04:50 am by Fredric Walder| 38,000 feet above Ontario, Canada

Given US citizens were not allowed into Canada for the eclipse, I opted instead to fly over southern Ontario and try my luck viewing and photographing the eclipse from a plane. Plane windows are not easy to record high quality photos through, they have three layers and produce a great deal of internal reflection, particularly looking into bright objects such as a solar annulus. And then there is often icing and scratches to contend with. I chose to use a neutral density filter versus a solar filter so I could image the clouds below. This caused the window reflections to "flare" and while I was initially disappointed to see that I later thought they added a sort of ethereal quality image.

Nikon Z7ii with 80-400mm zoom lens, at 400mm, fitted with a ND6 filter, ISO 64, 1/6400, f/40, from the side window of a plane at ~38,000 feet altitude

The raw file was processed in two layers with adobe camera raw, one stretched to bring out details from the shadows and the clouds below, and the other compressed to sharpen the annularity ring, both layers were then blended in photoshop with the stretched layer dominant in the lower portion of the photo and to a lesser extent around the edge of the eclipsed sun, the compressed layer used more heavily for the annulus and the area where the moon was covering the disk. the composite image was blended and then color corrected a bit and denoised in photoshop.