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Community photo entitled  by Rudy Kokich on 02/04/2021 at Virginia

On 02/04/2021 11:00 pm by Rudy Kokich| Virginia

NGC2237 (Rosette N), Monoceros in the 100Oiii, 70Ha+30Oiii, 40Sii+60Ha Palette

Rosette Nebula is a spherical region of ionized hydrogen located within an extensive molecular cloud in the constellation of Monoceros. The nebula is a rich stellar nursery, and contains about 2,500 young stars including massive type O stars HD 46223 and HD 46150. Strong stellar wind from these very hot stars is blowing away gas and dust, giving the nebula the appearance of a bubble. Powerful ultraviolet radiation and stellar wind shock waves cause plasma temperatures in the inner parts of the nebula to rise to between 1 and 10 million degrees. In contrast, plasma temperature in ionized hydrogen regions in general averages around 10,000 K. The open cluster NGC2244 has arisen from the nebulosity, and is located near its center. Rosette Nebula is situated at the distance of 5,200 LY, and is approximately 130 LY in diameter. Open cluster NGC2252 is found at the NE fringe of the nebula, but lies in the foreground at an approximate distance of 2900 LY.

-TSapo65q astrograph, 65x420mm
-Modified Canon T3i camera, Astro-Duo filter
-iEQ30pro mount, Orion 60mm f4 SSAGpro autoguider

-12x240 sec subs, iso3200, 30 darks, 30 bias
-Color channels extracted and reprocessed in the 100Oiii, 70Ha+30Oiii, 40Sii+60Ha palette
-Software: PHD2, DSS, XnView, StarNet++, StarTools v 1.3 and 1.7