By Nina Gorenstein | 2021-01-12
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On 01/13/2021 09:30 pm by Andrea Amici| Seggiola del Papa, Passetto, Ancona (Italy)
This is my concept of "Seggiola del Papa" with Beehive Cluster and Orion constellation over Ancona (Italy), in the middle of bloody light pollution.
Nikon D750 (modded), AF-S NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED, iOptron Skyguider Pro, Nisi Filter ND32
two panel merged with PS:
top -> 49 shoots tracked with iOptron Sky Guider Pro (stacked with DSS) + 1 shoot of ground
bottom - > 2 shoots for the ground
each shoot has the same setting: 40s, ISO800, f/4