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Community photo entitled  by Victor C. Rogus on 11/07/2020 at Sedona, Arizona

On 11/07/2020 10:51 am by Victor C. Rogus| Sedona, Arizona

With mostly cloudy skies predicted within the hour I put my itsy bitsy 66mm refractor to work on the sun to photograph enormous sun spot AR 2781 as it traverses the solar disk. Sunspot AR2781 poses a threat for C-class solar flares. AR 2781 is so big people have reported seeing at sunset through thin clouds and haze with unfiltered optics!
But please note, Even when the sun is dimmed by low-hanging clouds or haze, it can still be dangerously bright, especially when magnified by unfiltered optics. If you chose to photograph the low sun, use the camera's LCD screen for safe view finding. Never look at the sun through the eyepiece of an unfiltered camera. NEVER!

Vixen "Star Guy" 66mm refractor on ALT-AZ mount Cannon 60d camera.

Adjusted brightness and contrast in Adobe.