By Glenn Hughson | 2020-07-24

On 07/22/2020 10:27 pm by George Bokovos| Halkidiki, Greece
Taken from a place next to the sea on a night with no Moon and a slight light pollution to the northwest (lower right in the image). I had seen the comet twice before from much - worse light polluted skies but this time it was faintly visible with the naked eye and easily with 7x50 binos. What I have learned from trying to photograph the comet: a) Get as far away from city light pollution as you can, b) take lots of short exposures if you don't have a tracking mount and stack them - this is the only way to bring out the faint blue - ion tail.
George Bokovos
Canon EOS 550D, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II, Manfrotto Element Tripod
32 x 8 sec, ISO 3200, f/2.5 mounted on Tripod, no tracking
Developed in Adobe Lightroom Classic, stacked with Sequator, final processing Adobe Photoshop 2020. Sequator did a fine job stacking the images.