By Faith Martin | 2020-07-15
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On 07/20/2020 10:50 pm by Abhijit Patil| Tamworth, NH, USA
Mt Chocorua is one of the very few accessible mountains in NH which has a lake right in front for its reflection to be visible. The night was very calm and the water was still. I waited for the comet to align with the top of the mountain. I kept my shots on from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM. This shot is a stack of 8 shots taken at 10:50 PM when the comet aligned perfectly.
Fujifilm XT-3 camera, Rokinon 12mm NCS camera lens
Image - Comet shot at 15sec, ISO6400, f/2.8 (8 shots stacked)
Landscape shot at blue hour - 120sec, ISO800, f/2.8 (single shot)
Processed in Lightroom and blended and final processed in Photoshop