By Chuck Reinhart | 2020-07-13

On 07/13/2020 10:22 pm by Susan Jensen| Odessa WA USA
I got a notification from the Aurora Alerts app on my phone that KP4 was predicted at my geo location. Here at 49° N they can be a little tricky to see with the naked eye if it's not a huge storm but I always get my camera on the tripod and take a test shot. While setting up I did see a good sized light colored streak to the NW but wasn't positive about what I was seeing till I took the first picture (last info I heard was to look to the NE before sunrise). How cool! The auroras never developed past a very low level, but I get excited whenever I see any amount of color in the sky.
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF70-200mm f2.8L USM
photoshop - curves adjustments with masking and color balancing to lighten foreground and sky. Foreground needed some selective contrasting to help eliminate grainy look due to high ISO and long exposure
lightroom - noise reduction, selective color luminance