By Chuck Reinhart | 2020-06-25
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On 06/21/2020 08:40 am by Sandy E. Taraboulsy| Talkha, Eldakahliha , Eygpt
A photo of the partial solar eclipse from Egypt - Mansoura
Partial solar eclipse percentage: 36%
Photography by phone Samsung Galaxy A10 Whit an x-ray paper and phone only Without a telescope
Capture date : 21/6/2020
Cropped : 3724×2000
Exposure : 1/950 sec at f/ 1.9
Focal length : 3.6mm
ISO speed rating : iso 100
Flash : none
Photography by phone Samsung Galaxy A10
A photo of the partial solar eclipse from Egypt - talkha
Photography by phone Samsung Galaxy A10 Whit x-ray paper and phone only Without a telescope