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Community photo entitled  by Garth Battista on 06/06/2020 at Halcottsville, New York

On 06/06/2020 10:30 pm by Garth Battista| Halcottsville, New York

Fireflies and the full moon.
This image is a blend: the camera stayed in one place and took two sequences of the exact same frame, one right after the other. The fireflies were shot from 9:30 till 10:15 before the moon rose above the trees. Fireflies need a long exposure and a high ISO / open aperture, so f/2.8, ISO 500, 6 seconds. I shot 350 of those frames and stacked them in Sequator.
The moon is very bright so if you want to see any surface details you need to set your exposure relatively low: I shot 80 frames, one every 2½ minutes between 10:30 and 2:00, at f/9, ISO 125, 1/80 second shutter speed. Those images got stacked in Sequator.
The two stacks were blended ("lighten mode") in Photoshop. I then cropped to about one-third the original width so you can see the fireflies more closely and the moon wouldn't entirely lose its detail.
I'm happy with how this turned out and would like to try it with a longer lens.
This was shot last night in a field behind our house in the Catskill Mountains. Near as I can tell, it is one of the world's greatest firefly hotspots. 🙂

Sony a6000
Sigma DC DN 16mm lens
See description for Exif details

Stacked in Sequator
Blended in Photoshop