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Community photo entitled  by Fred Espenak on 05/26/2020 at Portal, AZ

On 05/26/2020 by Fred Espenak| Portal, AZ

The altitude of Venus is rapidly decreasing each evening as the planet approaches inferior conjunction with the Sun (i.e., passing between Earth and Sun) on June 3.

Venus is also increasing in angular size as it comes closer to Earth while becoming a razor thin crescent.

All of this makes for a good opportunity to shoot a time sequence of the brilliant crescent Venus setting behind the Chiricahua Mountains as seen from my backyard in Portal, AZ. The biggest problem is that the air is very turbulent while viewing Venus at such a low altitude, so it's difficult to get a sharp focus.

This image sequence was taken through a Meade LX200 8-inch SCT telescope and a Sony A6000 mirrorless camera. Exposures were determined by metering. The interval between each Venus image is just 8 seconds.