By Sudhir Sharma | 2020-05-21
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On 05/22/2020 07:18 pm by Kaliannan Shanmugasundaram| Soeng Sang Town, Thailand
Bright Venus and Mercury and Bright Venus
In the Village near the town of Soeng sang , NE Thailand,on 22-05-2020, almost an hour after Sunset.At 07:18 PM. Dark sky. Glad to see the Mercury , now on South side of Venus. . I wish to share this photo.
Photo . f stop 4.5 Time 1/2 sec Focal length 185 mm ISO 6400
Camera Make : Nikon
Model : CoolPix P 900
Lens NIKOR 83X 1:2.8--6.5
The post processing: cropped , and auto correction. Data size reduced - and 72 ppi for viewing.