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Community photo entitled  by Kannan A on 04/25/2020 at Woodlands, Singapore

On 04/25/2020 09:30 am by Kannan A| Woodlands, Singapore

This is a male Asian (Eudynamys scolopaceus) which makes a loud calls in the morning, afternoon or early evening. Its loud repetitive 'ku-oo' mating calls can be a nuisance as it is very high pitched. Often it is difficult for me to locate the bird inside the trees and often the voice is heard. I was lucky enough to capture this bird in close proximity this morning just across my flat within a 10 m range. It has a glossy blue-black plumage, crimson irises, long tail, pale green beak, and grey legs and feet. It is currently in its breeding season and interestingly it is classified as a a brood parasite where it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, which will provide parental care until the young Koel is ready to fly. It is reported that in Singapore, the host is predominantly the House Crow (Corvussplendens).

Nikon P900