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Community photo entitled  by Dr Ski on 09/23/2019 at Valencia Observatory

On 09/23/2019 10:00 pm by Dr Ski| Valencia Observatory

Bruce's recent article on The Lonliest Star inspired me to capture this image of Fomalhaut. From mid-Northern latitudes it is indeed lonely. The closest 1st mag star to it is Altair, some 60° of sky to it's NW!
But from the tropics, Fomalhaut has a companion: Grus, the Crane.
Grus is a dim, unremarkable constellation save for it's 2 brightest stars: Alpha and Beta Gruis.
The color contrast is very nice!
α Gru is a main sequence bluish star with a surface temp of 14,000C.
β Gru is a red giant with a surface temp of only 3500C.
Loneliness is a matter of perspective.

Canon EOS M10
40mm, f1. 8
13s, ISO1600

Image cropped