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Community photo entitled  by Dr Ski on 07/12/2019 at Valencia Observatory

On 07/12/2019 07:50 pm by Dr Ski| Valencia Observatory

Comparing the apparent size of Jupiter and the Moon thru a scope at 150X.
Note that the "apparent" size of Jupiter's disc is slightly larger than the "apparent" size of Copernicus crater. Of course in reality, Jupiter is much larger than Copernicus. It's a matter if perspective. Jupiter is much farther away ?.
Callisto is out of the picture. I could not fit it in the same 150X field of view. I was going to do a 100X comparison but the clouds moved in ?.

Canon EOS M10, 90mm MakCas
Prime focus at 150X
Moon: 1/25s, ISO 1600
Jupiter: 1/4s, ISO 12800