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Community photo entitled  by Abhijit Patil on 07/20/2019 at Pemaquid Lighthouse, Bristol, ME

On 07/20/2019 11:00 pm by Abhijit Patil| Pemaquid Lighthouse, Bristol, ME

The full arc!
36 photo mosaic of the Milkyway.

Every time I look at the Milkyway arc it is a thrilling feeling. It is mesmerizing when you fathom that the arc that you see in front of you is your own galaxy and you are a part of it on the outer arm, though billions of light years away from the center.

Nikon D750 camera, Rokinon 24mm f/1.4 lens, Vanguard Altapro tripod

Panorama stitched in Photoshop. Processed in Photoshop and Lightroom.